Important News

Owl Observer, February 8, 2019

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Feb 12 3rd Grade Field Trip to Rouse Theatre for Orchestra performance Feb 14 & 15 School closes at 12:20pm for Parent/Teacher conferences Feb 18 School closed- President’s Day

Class Pictures

This is a reminder that Class Pictures will be taken on Thursday, February 7th and Friday, February 8th. Pictures will be taken on Thursday, February 7th for the follwing: Grade 1 (Passarello on Friday) Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Mrs. Wilson's 2nd Grade Class Pictures will be taken on Friday, February 8th for the following: Preschool PreK RECC Kindergarten Grade 2 (Wilson on Thursday) Ms. Passarello's 1st Grade Class Envelopes to order class pictures were sent home in your student's Thursday folder on January 31st. The cost for the class picture is $10.00. If you wish to order a picture please send the envelope and payment to school with your student on picture day or you may order online at and use school code 110501.

Important Information about MAP Testing

We will be administering MAP assessments in reading and mathematics to all DLES students in grades 1-5 starting this week and ending the last week of February. MAP is a computer adaptive assessment. In a computer adaptive assessment, as a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down the difficulty of the questions presented to the student. This creates a personalized assessment for every student. A score report will be sent home to our families a few weeks after the Winter administration of the assessment concludes on March 1st. This report shares your child’s overall score in reading and math, as well as scores in a variety of areas. MAP assessments measure a student’s growth over time in reading and mathematics. MAP assessments let teachers know where a student’s strengths are and if help is needed in any specific instructional area(s). Teachers use this information, along with the results of various other assessments and their own observation of student performance, to help guide instruction. Students will be writing their math and reading MAP assessment dates in their agenda books. Our Rangers are familiar with these assessments, will be setting personal goals, and we will be celebrating their engagement and growth throughout the assessment window. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Madden ( or your child's teacher if you have any questions or click on the link below for additional information.

Owl Observer: February 1, 2019

Important Dates to Remember Feb 5 Schools closed for students-Countywide Professional Learning Day for Staff Feb 7 Report cards issued

DLES dismissal- 1:50pm today

Ducketts Lane ES will close 90 minutes early today, Friday, February 1, 2019. Students will be dismissed at 1:50pm. All afternoon sessions of Pre-K and RECC are canceled. All aftercare programs, sponsored by the Columbia Association and the Department of Recreation & Parks in Howard County public schools, are canceled. All school-sponsored and community-sponsored events, including high school athletic practices and games scheduled for this evening, are canceled.


Thank you to all the students and families who have started to explore the online accounts for the DLES Read-a-thon (now officially underway, so keep track of minutes)! Unfortunately, we discovered that there was a glitch in the setup and our online accounts weren’t linked correctly for logging minutes or inviting sponsors. We have fixed the issue, but we needed to reset ALL student and teacher accounts. Therefore, your student is coming home with an instruction sheet that includes a NEW username and password.


Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on February 14 & 15, 2019 The conference window to schedule your conference will open to Parents/Guardians on Thursday, January 31st at 4:00 pm and close on Monday, February 11th at 3:00 pm. PreK/RECC, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade conferences will be held with your student’s Homeroom teacher. Third and Fifth Grade conferences will be held with your student’s PM teacher. Fourth Grade conferences will be held with your student’s AM teacher. Instructions on how to schedule your conference on HCPSS Connect are being sent home in your student's Thursday folder today. Please contact the DLES Front Office at 410-313-5050 with any questions.

Class Pictures and Journey Pictures

Good afternoon. Today in your student's Thursday folder you will be receiving an order form for Class Pictures which will be taken on Thursday, February 7th or Friday, February 8th. Pictures will be taken on Thursday, February 7th for the follwing: Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 and Mrs. Wilson's class Pictures will be taken on Friday, February 8th for the following: Preschool PreK RECC Kindergarten and Grade 2 (Wilson on Thursday) The second item coming home in your student's Thursday folder is an envelope containing photos of your student. This is called a Journey Photo Group. Instructions on these photos are on the back of the envelope. Please choose which photos you would like to keep and return payment for those photos in the enclosed envelope. Any unwanted photos are to be returned to the school. Please contact the DLES front office with any questions.

3 Hour Early Dismissal 1/29/19

ALERT: An important message from the Howard County Public School System All Howard County public schools will close 3 hours early today, Tuesday, January 29, 2019. DLES will dismiss at 12:20pm. There will be NO half-day Pre-K, including morning Pre-K and RECC. All aftercare programs, sponsored by the Columbia Association and the Department of Recreation & Parks in Howard County public schools, are canceled. Afternoon PreK is canceled. All school-sponsored and community-sponsored events, including high school athletic practices and games scheduled for this evening, are canceled. The Board of Education Public Hearing on the Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2020 Budget, originally scheduled for this evening, has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 31 at 7 p.m.

Owl Observer: January 25, 2019

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Jan 28- Feb 1 Spirit Week –see more information below Jan 28 School closes at 12:20pm- End of the marking period Jan 28 PTA Spirit Night at Chuck E. Cheese in Laurel 12noon-9:00pm Jan 31 Kindergarten (Sneeringer/Shull only) Field trip- Elkridge Library Jan 31 Cozy Night of Reading 6:30-8:00pm