Owl Observer: February 1, 2019

Important Dates to Remember

Feb   5 Schools closed for students-Countywide Professional Learning Day for Staff

Feb   7    Report cards issued

Feb  7 & 8  Class pictures

Feb  7 & 8  Dental Clinic at DLES

Feb 12   3rd Grade Field Trip to Rouse Theatre for Orchestra performance

Feb 14 & 15  School closes at 12:20pm for Parent/Teacher conferences

Feb 18   School closed- Presidents Day

Feb 22   PTA Glow Party- more information to come!



The PTA invites you to consider running for a position on the board of directors for the 2019-2020 school year. The terms of several current members are coming to an end, and we need new volunteers to run. Attached, please find an outline of the responsibilities for each available position, as well as a nomination form to fill out for yourself or another member of the DLES community who might be a good fit.

Please note that the fun and important ways that the PTA supports the our school depend on great volunteers like you. If we do not fill these positions, the PTA will no longer function. The workload is quite manageable if we all pitch in and most of it can be done at home, though attendance at monthly meetings is required. Please email DuckettsLanePTA@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Nomination Form 

Open Positions for 19-20 School Year