School Resources

Student Resources

Access eBooks of your favorite Everybody, Fiction, and Nonfiction titles from our DLES library media center.
Fun and educational books for young readers.
Hosted eBooks by Cavendish Square, Rosen Publishing, Gareth Stevens Publishing, Britannica Educational Publishing, and Windmill Books.
Scholastic TrueFlix is an online Whiteboard resource focusing on engaging science and social studies content for students spanning grades 3-5.
Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids.
Concise, reliable, and up-to-date country reports on 182 world cultures.
The most comprehensive source of nonfiction content for grades 3 and up. Vast, Vetted, and Varied.
Generate, edit, and publish an MLA Works Cited list or APA References list using NoodleBib.
PebbleGo is an award winning pre-K to grade 3 database for reading and research.
Easily retrievable full-text articles from approximately 1,200 newspapers, magazines, and U.S. government documents; includes World Almanac for Kids. is a timesaving portal to thousands of online resources of book-related resources you can use to explore children's and young adult books and their authors.
World Book Online Reference Center is an excellent source of reliable, easy to understand information for students.
Use your Howard County Library card and pin number (request a pin number from the library) to access many online reference sources. To locate the online resources, click on “Databases.” Students can connect with free tutors for homework assistance with math, reading, science, social studies, English/language arts, and writing.

School Supports

HCPSS promotes the mental health and wellness of each of our students to develop their unique strengths, abilities, and characteristics towards success and well-being.
Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Rainbow Representative.
Every school in the Howard County Public School System has at least one staff member who serves as a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Liaison.
HCPSS is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment and fostering strong bonds between schools, military service members and community organizations to support military-connected children and enhance the success of all students.