Owl Observer, February 8, 2019


Feb 12   3rd Grade Field Trip to Rouse Theatre for Orchestra performance

Feb 14 & 15  School closes at 12:20pm for Parent/Teacher conferences

Feb 18   School closed- President’s Day

Feb 22   PTA Glow Party- more information to come!



Dear Families,

Last week we had a huge turnout for Cozy Night of Reading.  The staff members LOVED reading bedtime stories to the students as they had cookies and milk.  Thank you for bringing your children to Reading Night.   All of the students left the event with a goody bag that included a book, pencil and bookmark.  Keep reading and log your time in your Read-a-thon account!


Just a reminder that Parent/Teacher conferences will occur on Feb. 14th and 15th.   If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher, please be sure to sign up for a conference on HCPSS Connect by 3:00pm on Monday, Feb. 11th.


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. Balter and Mrs. Madden



TEACHER CONFERENCES are coming up on February 14th.  That evening, the PTA will be providing a lasagna and pasta dinner for our hard working DLES teachers and staff. Please click the link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0845AEAB29A5FD0-valentines to donate sides, desserts, and drinks to go along with the meal.  As always, the PTA appreciates your support! 


PTA's Family Fun Glow Dance Party              February 22nd     6:30-8:00 PM

Celebrate and dance the night away with our DJ, enjoy light refreshments, and of course, GLOW STICKS!!   In order to make this a success, we could use your help. We need parent volunteers to assist in different areas to help the dance run smoothly. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to socialize and dance with your kiddos, too! Follow this link for details: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0845AEAB29A5FD0-ptaglow 


PTA Elections       April 11, 2019

The PTA invites you to consider running for a position on the board of directors for the 2019-2021 school year. The terms of several current members are coming to an end, and we need new volunteers to run. Attached, please find an outline of the responsibilities for each available position, as well as a nomination form to fill out for yourself or another member of the DLES community who might be a good fit.

Please note that the fun and important ways that the PTA supports our school depend on great volunteers like you. If we do not fill these positions, the PTA will no longer function. The workload is quite manageable if we all pitch in and most of it can be done at home, though attendance at monthly meetings is required. Please email DuckettsLanePTA@gmail.com if you have any questions.



We will be administering MAP assessments in reading and mathematics to all DLES students in grades 1-5 starting this week and ending the last week of February.  MAP is a computer adaptive assessment. In a computer adaptive assessment, as a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down the difficulty of the questions presented to the student. This creates a personalized assessment for every student.


A score report will be sent home to our families a few weeks after the Winter administration of the assessment concludes on March 1st. This report shares your child’s overall score in reading and math, as well as scores in a variety of areas. MAP assessments measure a student’s growth over time in reading and mathematics. MAP assessments let teachers know where a student’s strengths are and if help is needed in any specific instructional area(s). Teachers use this information, along with the results of various other assessments and their own observation of student performance, to help guide instruction. Students will be writing their math and reading MAP assessment dates in their agenda books. Our Rangers are familiar with these assessments, will be setting personal goals, and we will be celebrating their engagement and growth throughout the assessment window. 


Please feel free to contact Mrs. Madden (courtney_madden@hcpss.org) or your child's teacher if you have any questions or click on the link below for additional information.




Math MAP


February 4

February 6


February 7

February 19


February 8

February 20


February 11

February 25


Febuary 12 and February 21

Febuary 12 and February 21



February Events at our business partner, Chick-fil-A Arundel Mills

4107992812 • 7055 Arundel Mills Cir



Face Painting With Danielle                Feb 6th • 5PM-7PM

Join us for tonight as Danielle paints your face or arm with adorable Valentine's Day fun!  Make sure you grab dinner as well!


Randy The Balloon Guy                       Feb 13th • 5PM-7PM

Join us tonight as we have Randy The Balloon guy making all kinds of different hearts, arrows, and teddy bears just in time for your Valentine! Make sure to grab a sweet treat before you go!


Photo Booth Fun                                  Feb 20th • 5PM-7PM

Bring your friends to have fun in the photo booth tonight! Lots of different props and as many different times, and poses as you'd like!


Arts & Crafts With Danielle                Feb 27th • 5PM-7PM

Join Danielle tonight for a craft! Please make sure to bring a friend or family member to share in the fun! We love seeing you all have a great time!



We are hosting our 5th annual Health, Home, and Harvest Festival on Saturday, April 27th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm and we are looking for local Howard County wellness and environmental professionals to set up informational displays and demos at this year's event.  This would be an opportunity for you to provide information for our DLES community on your educational resources and promote your business. In addition to being a wonderful outlet to promote your work, it is a chance for our DLES community to improve the health and wellness of their families through a fun and interactive experience.  If you are interested in being one of this year's vendors, please contact Meaghan_Liwosz@hcpss.org by April 12th.



Submit Your Videos for our new CARE Connection Morning Announcement

At Ducketts Lane we CARE!  We would love videos of Parents/Guardians/Families saying our morning CARE Pledge!  You can even say it together with your child in your video.  If your family speaks another language, feel free to submit your CARE video in another language.  You can submit your videos via email to Mrs. Shappell at misty_shappell@hcpss.org


Be sure to use the following script:

"Hi My name is _______.  I am _______ 's (Mom/Dad/Grandparent...etc).  
At Ducketts Lane, We CARE.
We are CARING, Achieving, and Ready to Learn Every Day!

***If you are going to record in a different language, use the script below****

"Hi My name is _______.  I am _______ 's (Mom/Dad/Grandparent...etc). 
going to teach you how to say the CARE Pledge in ________
. (language)

_____ ____ ______, ______, ______ _______ _____ _____ _____ _____."
Now you try it! Repeat after me: __________________________.

"Thank you for learning some _____(language) with us today!"


Sign up for "More Than Karate" after school at Ducketts Lane!

Fun and Structured...the perfect way to introduce your child to the benefits of martial arts training!  Register NOW online at www.okdkarate.com!  Classes will be held at DLES, beginning Thursday Jan. 24th (every Thursday for 10 weeks), 3:25-4:15pm! 

Led by adult instructors from THE OKINAWAN KARATE DOJO, students leave class smiling, focused, more respectful, and skilled with sound self-defense basics!  Flyers were sent home or REGISTER online at www.okdkarate.com by January 22nd.  

Call 443-574-8999 or email morethankarate@gmail.com for more info on our AFTER-SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION and CAMP services!  NEW LOCATION - 4900 Waterloo Rd in 21043!     



Please visit the Community News and Programs page at

http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/ for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.