Emergency Procedure Cards

Returning Students and Families

In order to complete the online emergency card you first need to have a Parent/Guardian account set up in the Family Portal.

If you created a Family Portal account last year, but do not remember your Login ID or password, please send an email to julie_forman@hcpss.org asking for assistance.  Password resets can be done via email.

Once your password has been reset, go back into the Family Portal to change your temporary password.  Give the system 30 mins. or so to recognize the password change.  Then go to: https://epstudentinfo.hcpss.org/ to complete the Emergency Card Online. 

Hint: Login ID is typically your entire email address:  ie: dlesparent@gmail.com instead of dlesparent.  Also everything is case sensitive; ie: dlesparent@gmail.com instead of Dlesparent@gmail.com.

New Students or No Family Portal Account 

If you did not create a Family Portal account last year, you will need:

Authorization Key (call the front office if you cannot locate the one sent to you in an email).

Student ID # (we cannot give out student ID numbers over the telephone-but if you call the front office, we can send it home in a backpack with your student).

Go to Family Portal and select Parent/Guardian Account Activation. Follow the instructions on the screen through all seven steps to create your Family Portal account.

You will receive a confirmation email (can take up to 30 mins).  Once received, you can now complete your Emergency Card Online using your Login and Password from the Family Portal account.

For assistance completing the card, please see the following sets of directions.