Fourth Grade STEM Lesson Materials Needed

During the week of Dec. 19-23, 2016 the fourth grade students will be participating in a STEM lesson (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) where they will be creating a homemade toy from reused and recycled materials.

We need your help to gather reused and recycled materials from around your house (DO NOT BUY ANYTHING!). Below are examples of items that we will be collecting and storing in the classroom for the upcoming STEM Lesson. You may send any items with your child to school. REUSED and RECYCLED materials include items that are readily available are not newly purchased for the purpose of this lesson. If you bring in empty food containers or bottles, please clean them out first!


  • Boxes
  • Empty food boxes
  • Cardboard
  • Egg cartons
  • Milk cartons
  • Drink bottles
  • Fabric scraps
  • Straws craft sticks
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Thread
  • Fabric scraps
  • String
  • Paper clips
  • Paper tubes (paper towel, toilet paper, etc.)